Tyranny Wiki

The Tiers conquered by Kyros are controlled by many factions and dealing with them is part of the Fatebinder's job description. Reputation is tracked with the factions listed below and may lead to new abilities.

Tracked factions[]

  • Symbol disfavored The Disfavored: Kyros' ironclad elite, the Disfavored follow Graven Ashe with unyielding loyalty. Proud of their heritage, they only allow those with pure northern blood to join their legions.
  • Symbol scarletchorus The Scarlet Chorus: Led by the Voices of Nerat. The largest of Kyros' armies in the Tiers. Growing in size with each battle, they embrace the Voices' teaching that everyone deserves only what they can fight for.
  • Symbol unbroken The Unbroken: Before Kyros' invasion, the Unbroken Blades were the finest soldiers in the Tiers. Weakened and scattered by Kyros' Edict, they cling to existence in the storm-wracked lands of the Blade Grave.
  • Symbol binders Sages' Guild: Keepers of arcane knowledge, the mages of the Vellum Citadel are all but destroyed after Kyros' Edict transformed their home into the Burning Library. The few who remain free lack purpose and leadership.
  • Symbol bronzebrotherhood Bronze Brotherhood: A mercenary company predominantly found in the region of Haven. These fierce warriors idolize the Bane as the ultimate source of death and destruction.
  • Symbol vendrienguard Vendrien Guard: Ceremonial honor guard of House Vendrien, rulers of Apex before Kyros' invasion.
  • Symbol forgebound Forge-Bound: The mage-smiths of Kyros' Empire, they are the only ones who know the secrets of smelting iron from rock, or how to imbue magic into weapons and armor.
  • Symbol stonestalker Stonestalker Tribe: The sole surviving Beastwoman tribe of Azure. After regaining their freedom during Kyros' invasion, the Stonestalkers retreated from contact with mankind.
  • Symbol lethianscrossing Lethian's Crossing: A small trading settlement before Kyros' invasion, the discovery of iron in the nearby mountains turned Lethian's Crossing into a center of commerce.
  • Symbol planesgate Stone Sea Villagers: The survivors of Kyros' Edict cling to life in the Stone Sea, struggling to eke out an existence under the weight of the Overlord's magic.

Related achievements[]

Icon Name Description
Charismatic Charismatic Reach maximum Favor with a faction.
Intimidating Intimidating Reach maximum Wrath with a faction.