Caedis is a character in Tyranny.
A jovial lieutenant of the Iron Guard, sent to escort his brother, Radix Ironcore into the Stone Sea to confront the Scarlet Chorus, Caedis is a master tactician. He likes to rely on brawn and luck in combat and in life.
Radix is the older brother of Caedis and unlike his brother, he's calculating, logical, and most of all, cautious. Radix is twelve years Caedis' senior and the two lived apart for a time, as Radix left for Tortalus to study under Cairn before Caedis was born. That said, when they did get together, Radix enjoyed playing practical jokes on his younger sibling. Like burying him alive.
This character is involved in quests. |
The Tiers Will Shake Carving the Path Securing The Sea At Any Cost Battle at Jagged Maw Shrine Forging The Way |
- Disfavored
- The Tiers Will Shake: You interact with him to gain useful information.
- Carving the Path: Caedis arrives with Radix at the Fort to protect Cairn.
- Securing The Sea: Caedis defends the compound.
- Anarchist
- At Any Cost: Caedis and his contingent are the mark you need to eliminate for Hundred-Blood.
- Chorus
- Battle at Jagged Maw Shrine: Caedis and his contingent are engaged in a stand-off with Tangled Limb. If you are feeling cruel, you can impale Caedis on his own sword after he offers it to you. Later, when facing Radix, you can show off Caedis's severed head to anger Radix.
- Rebels
- Forging The Way: Same as in Anarchist path, except the wrinkle here is that killing Caedis will send Radix Ironcore after your blood - and put Isadora on the path to seizing control of the guild.